The more experience I have the more I answer every question with "it's complicated" and on top of that everyday I am more convinced that methodologies are as vital as they are useless. So useless in fact that I am going to condense my favourite methodologies into pretty videos because LinkedIn is not full with scammers saying touting the benefits of these exact same things.
We will only design objects and we will probably never design systems but you will provide useful criticisms of your clients ideas if you know what systems are and the place your work has in them. And read about cybernetics, it is important.
We already do this in theory while in practice we do what we can. Keep aspiring to this and do as much as you can in the little time you can get. It is hard to iterate in real life but we must. Be aware and be humble... or set your aim high? Or both? Try, at least try. That always works.